IMO Tier 2 | |
EPA Tier 3 | |
RCD 2 |
Model | 6135SFM85 |
Number of cylinders | 6 |
Displacement-- L (cu in) | 13.5 (824) |
Bore and Stroke-- mm (in) | 132 x 165 (5.20 x 6.50) |
Engine Type | In-line, 4- Cycle |
Aspiration | Air-to-sea water |
Length - mm (in) | 1819 (71.6) |
Width Maximum - mm (in) | 1036 (40.8) |
Height - mm (in) | 1266 (49.8) |
Height, crankshaft centerline to top - mm (in) | 902 (35.5) |
Height, crankshaft centerline to bottom - mm (in) | 364 (14.3) |
Weight, dry - kg (lb) | 1426 (3144) |
Performance Rating | Power KW (bhp) Rated Speed (rpm) Rated fuel consumption L/hr(gal/hr) |
M1 | 317 ( 425 ) 1800 79.5 ( 21.0 ) |
M2 | 373 ( 500 ) 1900 94.4 ( 24.9 ) |
M3 | 429 ( 575 ) 2000 110.9 ( 29.3 ) |
M4 | 485 ( 650 ) 2100 124.7 ( 32.9 ) |
M5 | 559 ( 750 ) 2200 145.9 ( 38.5 ) |
M1 - Typical annual usage (hr) | Unrestricted |
M1 - Typical full-power operation (hr) | Uninterrupted |
M1 - Typical load factor | >65% |
M2 - Typical annual usage (hr) | 000-5 |
M2 - Typical full-power operation (hr) | 16 of each 24 hr |
M2 - Typical load factor | <=65% |
M3 - Typical annual usage (hr) | 000-4 |
M3 - Typical full-power operation (hr) | 4 of each 16 hr |
M3 - Typical load factor | <=50% |
M4 - Typical annual usage (hr) | 000-3 |
M4 - Typical full-power operation (hr) | 1 of each 12 hr |
M4 - Typical load factor | <=40% |
M5 - Typical annual usage (hr) | 000 hr |
M5 - Typical full-power operation (hr) | 0.5 of each 8 hr |
M5 - Typical load factor | <=35% |